Labkable – Audeze LCD-2 八绞 德國金銀 升级线
Audeze LCD-2是近期人氣急升的耳機,聲音大氣平衡,有著極高的三頻平均度之餘,人聲温暖水潤,音場鬆容不逼,樂器定位清晰,實力能與現今各品牌的旗艦耳機爭一日之長短; Labkable應LCD-2用家的要求,特別開發耳機升級線,買家可針對個人口味需要,訂製 8絞德國金銀耳機升級線:
1. 使用重量級8股德國進口金銀線 (99% Silver 1% Gold) 線材,優點是人聲透明度高之餘也沒有毛燥感,訊息量高,分析力極佳;
2. 線材以特殊編織法(weavetech)製作,結構緊密有序,大大加強聲音的密度及質感,樂器的泛音清晰分明;
3. 導体外層使用Teflon鐵弗龍作為絕緣,減少導體與管壁間的磨擦;
4. 使用同廠高純度含金銀焊鍚,所有接點配合獨家調音處理,除了高分析力及高頻華麗之餘,空氣感及泛音盪氣迴腸,樂器的結像及定位清晰可見; (Labkable可免費因應客人特別要求選用不同鍚線,配合適當的温度焊接)
5. 雙三針平衡版本選用Neutrik NC3MXX-B, 也可升級至Viablue 鍍金XLR插頭, 令樂器的分離度進一步提高;
6. 外層使用美國Techflex Super Nylon特選尼龍網包裹線材,提供高性能的避震,保護耳機線之餘,減少聽診效應及外來干擾,線身質地柔軟,手感極佳,能使中頻更幼細流暢;
8絞德國金銀升級線配合LCD-2,能提供極高的訊息量,人聲鮮活嬌美動聽, 口型結像清晰,音場的立体感活靈活現,樂隊排列層次清晰;音樂細節還原度豐富,中性自然, 樂器的泛音清晰,低頻的線條特出,鼓聲動態及反應凌厲;
Specification 1) Using 8 wire (4 wire for left and right channel each) of Germany made Silver Gold wires, (99% Silver, 1% Gold) which provide smooth and silk like vocal and balanced sonic performance; 2) Hybrid design and WeaveTech Structure used to lower the magnetic field and vibration during signal transfer; 3) SGW conductors are covered with Teflon which can lower the capacitance during signal transfer resulting in a more airy and lively performance; 4) Mundorf Silver/Gold Solder is used and handcrafted to the highest standard by experienced master craftsman; 5) Stock double XLR version use 2 pcs of Neutrik NC3MXX-B, or we provide option for upgrading to Viablue Gold Plated XLR plugs; 6) Techflex Super Nylon used to provide a soft, light weighted and extremely tough material which lower capacitance and stethoscope effect, resulting in enhancing the overall musicality Sonic Performance With the re-cabled 8 wire LCD-2 Silver Gold wire upgrade cable, you may experience improved smooth and silk like vocal, music is touching and with spacious sound stage; the overtones of vocal and musical instruments are clear and realistic; Double bass is dynamic, nice response and impactful, giving new life to your music.
如有查詢, 歡迎致電2677-4722, 或到本公司旺角店參觀選購