


NEP (電源線)

NEP 3001 UPOCC 單晶銅電源線


NEP3001同用開的2.6, 音場更闊, 結象更立體, 聲音還原度高, 人聲細節豐富

(jy813 [R33]: NEP 3001 5 feet US plug – 10/10/2009)


The NEP 3001 compared with Acrolink 4030 and Siltech SPX 20, win a little bit for every aspect at first plug-in. It is a high C/P ratio cable.

(Fong: NEP 3001 5 feet – 25/12/2009)


當最後一條NEP3001接上後, 感覺就像打通了經脈,相信有排都唔使換線,因為已經不知不覺用了超過一萬元在Neotech上面,有排食樹皮

(cckong [av forum]: NEP 3001 5 feet – 21/2/2010)


PS3插上NEP-3001, 演唱會的音場即時闊了一圈, 明顯舞台更深, 人更集中

(Chan [R33]: NEP 3001 5 feet – 25/3/2010)


當我把NEP-3001插拖板, 出來的效果是人聲好中性好耐聽, 同用開的佰威單晶銅比較, 聲音更自然平衡, 音場的伸展更鬆容, 沒有了之前侷促撐唔開的感覺

(kelvin [av forum]: NEP 3001 5 feet Factory terminated– 31/3/2010)

It has been less than 100 hours of run in but the Oyaide 2.6, Neotech NEI-3001 and NEP-3001 perform really really well. All these cables are of high quality built.

- NEI-3001 instantly outperforms my Linn silver interconnect, in every aspects! I love my Linn cable on a Linn DS, but what can I say, shall I sell my Linn Silver?
- Oyaide 2.6 does its job wonderfully. It improves depth, details, bass extension, vocal definition and punch.
- For NEP-3001, the wide staging, balanced, with a touch of tube warm sound really impresses me.

I found the most effective combination in my Linn DS system is NEP-3001 for my DS player, Oyaide for my Linn amp to enhence its punch and bass extennsion, and NEI-3001 from DS to amp.
It is not easy for Linn gear to match 3rd party powecord (trust me) but the Neotech NEP-3001 & Oyaide 2.6 really make my system shine.

The improvement is immediate but don't get too excited yet. Just sit back and let them run for an extended period of time and you will be amazed how good they are considering the price.
Overall verdict, the price/quality value is just outstanding.

(Danny: Comments on NEI-3001, NEP-3001 and Oyaide 2.6 - 27 May 2010)



NEP 4003 鍍銀OFC電源線


幾百元可以立即改善到對比度及立體感, 果然無介紹錯

(Leung: NEP 4003 5 feet US plug – 25/10/2009)


昨日入手兩條萬隆線材供SONY BDP-S765果然有料到 :)
NEP-4003 Ultra Pure Silver Plated OFC
電源線 (白金升級版) 鍍銀HDMI NEHH-4200

(taichai [R33]: NEP 4003 5feet – 11/12/2009)


表現立竿見影, d會把Blu Ray機及電腦mon的電源線都換上NEP4003

(jy813 [R33]: NEP 4003 5feet – 11/1/2010)



Labkable Pro Series – Hyper Power 重低音及後級用電源專線



背景靜左 尤其係重低音度



比較返價錢 幾抵玩

(Chiu: Hyper Power 5feet – 14/5/2010)