Labkable – Audeze LCD-2 八绞 单晶銀 升级线
Audeze LCD-2是近期人氣急升的耳機,聲音大氣平衡,有著極高的三頻平均度之餘,人聲温暖水潤,音場鬆容不逼,樂器定位清晰,實力能與現今各品牌的旗艦耳機爭一日之長短; Labkable應LCD-2用家的要求,特別開發耳機升級線,買家可針對個人口味需要,訂製 8絞方芯單晶銅線 或 8絞單晶銀耳機升級線:
8絞單晶銀升級線配合LCD-2,能提供極高的訊息量,結像精準,立体感活靈活現,樂隊排列層次清晰;人聲細節還原度豐富,中性自然, 高頻晶瑩剔透,樂器的泛音清晰,低頻的線條特出,鼓聲動態及反應凌厲;
1) Using 8 wire (4 wire for left and right channel each) of patented Ultra Pure 7N Rectangular OCC Silver Conductors, which can minimized the skin effect and provide detailed and balanced sonic performance;
2) Hybrid design and WeaveTech Structure used to lower the magnetic field and vibration during signal transfer;
3) ROCC conductors are covered with Teflon which can lower the capacitance during signal transfer resulting in a more airy and lively performance;
4) Build with our latest “Air Flow Technology” which provide better dynamic and more clarity on vocal and mid frequency;
5) Mundorf Silver/Gold Solder is used and handcrafted to the highest standard by experienced master craftsman
6) Techflex Super Nylon used to provide a soft, light weighted and extremely tough material which lower capacitance and stethoscope effect, resulting in enhancing the overall musicality
Sonic Performance
With the re-cabled 8 wire LCD-2 ROCC Silver upgrade cable, you may experience improved smooth high frequency with 3D imaging, deep and wide sound stage; the overtones of musical instruments are clear and realistic and imagining live presentation in front of you; Double bass is dynamic, nice response and impactful, giving new life to your music.
如有查詢, 歡迎致電2677-4722, 或到本公司旺角店參觀選購